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Nicole Hoffmann
Apr 3, 2018
Savannah Turns Four
I started photographing Savannah while she was in her momma's belly, over four years ago! It's a beautiful reminder of how quickly life...

Nicole Hoffmann
Mar 20, 2018
Framed Triptych Artwork Display
Sometimes narrowing down just ONE favorite to display at home can be difficult. Displaying your artwork in a series of three images, also...

Nicole Hoffmann
Mar 19, 2018
Mommy Daughter Duo
Im not sure if I've ever seen a better duo. Allison and her daughter Brooklyn are the cutest! With their matching outfits and adorable...

Nicole Hoffmann
Mar 12, 2018
Happiness Is Homemade
I am so excited for Kayla and Travis! What great parents they will be. We were given a beautiful February afternoon for these soon to be...

Nicole Hoffmann
Feb 28, 2018
80th Birthday Deserves A Celebration
This family wanted to do something special for their dad who was turning 80 on this very day. They celebrated with a family photo session...

Nicole Hoffmann
Feb 25, 2018
The Foundation of The Minted Shutter
When I first started this business back in 2013, I never imagined the journey it would take me on. My senior year of high school, my...

Nicole Hoffmann
Feb 9, 2018
9 Reasons To Hire A Creative Professional For Your Child's Senior Portraits
Can you believe it? Your not-so-little kid is now all grown up and about to experience one of the biggest milestones in their lives -...
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