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CrossFit Couples

Nicole Hoffmann

It seems only fitting that I share this post just after the 2018 CrossFit games, right here in Madison has finished. Josh and Courtney met through CrossFit and Josh even proposed inside of the CrossFit gym. So of course we had to take some CrossFit photos!

But if CrossFit is not your thang, don't stop scrolling... there's more lovely photos from the remainder of their session right here in this blog!

These photos also are a little bittersweet as this was my last session downtown Sun Prairie before the devastating explosion. The white brick walls in these photos were taken outside of my favorite spot at Glass Nickel Pizza.

My heart still breaks for my hometown, the loss of firefighter Cory Barr, the families who lost their homes and the business's such as Glass Nickel, who have to find the hope to start again.

I also have to give credit to these guys for doing an excellent job at outfit coordination. I often get asked about what to wear and this is a PERFECT example of how easy it is to pull in colors from each other. Courtney's flowers with a hint of purple really pulled in the purple from Josh's shirt. High fives all around.

Josh's idea to take some photos in the street turned out to be some of my favorite. A quiet Sunday night allowed us to do this with no traffic - safety first of course.

These guys were awesome sports. They were willing to do whatever and had fun doing so (at least I hope so).

Josh and Courtney will be exchanging vows in the Dominican in 2019. I wish them both sweet love, lots of adventures, and a life full of happiness together.

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