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Nolan, class of 19' | Sun Prairie High School

Nicole Hoffmann

Sometimes being a senior photographer means taking on some seriously cool locations. This high school senior, Nolan Kromke, if you don't know him already, is the creator and artist behind Badger Digitals. His work has been featured throughout much of the University of Wisconsin's athletic profiles, high lighting the football team and other sports. He sure has a passion and an eye for the work that he produces so it was only fitting that we take a trip to his favorite place where all of his inspiration transpires from!

His parents helped pull off a special surprise with a few of his favorite players. So we grabbed a few shots, and then happened upon Bucky in training. It was a perfect opportunity that we couldn't pass up.

Nolan and his family share special memories at Camp Randall even as Nolan was just a kid. Incorporating this aspect of a location into his senior pictures really made this an authentic experience with truly genuine results.

With a thunder storm shutting us down, we planned a second trip down to Wily Street where we hung out for the second portion of his session. Finding unique back drops and lots of colorful variations, we enjoyed a beautiful evening as summer neared it's end.

Congrats to Nolan and all of his amazing accomplishments. His future is so bright and I can't wait to watch his career in the digital world unfold.

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